10 Simple Stretches To Relax Your Body And Mind

7) Cat-cow

The cat-cow yoga pose can help release tension in the spine, neck, and shoulders with gentle stretches. Curl your spine toward the ceiling to form Cat Pose by tucking your chin in toward your chest before exhaling again to lengthen your spine toward the floor as you lift your head and tailbone toward the ceiling ; This is called the camel pose. To get into cat-cow pose, start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders, as your shoulders are directly under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your shoulders, once you’re done, come out! To enter the cat-cow, start with the hands and knees directly under the shoulders and the wrists directly under the shoulders with the knees directly under the knees while the knees are straight with both hands under the shoulders under the hips, then inhale deeply, then exhale.

Round your spine toward the ceiling while simultaneously raising your head toward the ceiling, where Cat Pose begins. Inhale, inhale, take another deep breath, inhale, round towards the ceiling As you exhale, take another deep breath and exhale and exhale and pull your spine down to the floor along with your head and tailbone. Start in the cat pose position. To move into Cat and Cow pose, simply start between these positions, then hold one on your wrist and one on your knee so you don’t position your knee directly under your shoulder as you do. It: Begin the cat pose. When the cat/cow entry is on the exhale then exhale and exhale deeply forward and repeat the circular process backward then arch forward starting in the center then arch the inhale forward forward Grab then arch both sides while again lifting head + tailbone toward ceiling after ceiling, repeat until next time.

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